Three Books
Lately, I have been trying to be reading three books at a time.
- One for Study
- One for Knowledge
- One for Pleasure
Most mornings I’ve been waking up and trying to spend some time studying a Great Book, something which has stood the test of time, i.e. a Classic, typically philosophy. I typically read small sections, do a first read, take some notes on a second read and then do a final close read which I then type up notes for for later reference. I also go back and read and refine these notes. The Study book is read incredibly slowly and with detailed notes.
The book for Knowledge is typically an interesting non-fiction book, something which I hope will give me a greater degree of insight into the world. Not all books do but the best of them do. These books may be popular in the moment, or they may have stood the test of time, the best of them have stood the test of time. Often, I try to find something which is a well established introduction to something that I know nothing about.
Finally, I also read for Pleasure, Novels, Sci-Fi, Fantasy etc are my typical go to books. These are books that I read solely for their own enjoyment. I am not trying to understand anything more deeply about the world, nor am I trying to delve the depths of my own psyche. These books are read for entertainment.
Having three books means that you always have something to read, I try to spend at least some time each morning on Study. It helps prime the brain. Knowledge is usually a “throughout the day book”, something that I read when I need a break from work or want to shift gears in some way. Finally, reading for Pleasure is something I do in the evenings to relax at the moment that my concentration levels are lowest. It helps replace other forms of entertainment like videogames, movies or shows.